Bungalow Builders

Green Built Services,
Old World Craftsmanship

Green adj. of, relating to, or advocating ecological awareness and the preservation of natural resources
Bun-ga-low n. a quaint, cozy dwelling often embellished with Arts & Crafts architectural details; celebrating the idea that simplicity and artistry can harmonize

Bungalow Builders is a fully insured general contracting firm licensed in the State of Michigan with LEED accreditation by the US Green Building Council. We offer Green consulting, designing & building services. As a custom builder, we work closely with our clients and all members of the integrated design team.

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  • Construction Management
  • Green Building Consultation
  • Masonry Heaters & Wood-fired brick ovens
  • CAD Design Service
  • Custom wood and tile work
  • Craftsman detailing
  • Black Locust Custom Milling
  • Focus on reclaimed and locally sourced building materials
  • Owner/Builder assistance welcome!

Projects & Services


Building with Nature

A nice write up from Northern Express covering Bungalow Builders' 2024 round house project featuring straw-clay walls, recycled glass aggregate, and locally-sourced black locust lumber! 

Healthy Home Heating

As the temperature drops and we begin to spend more time indoors, we have creature comfort needs to maintain a reasonable temperature.  The “Sick Building Syndrome” takes a strong foothold this time of year.  How we choose to heat our homes determines both our comfort as well as the level of indoor air quality.

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The Various Shades of Green: Working Towards A Sustainable Way Of Building

More and more people are becoming aware of the negative environmental impacts that current building practices perpetuate and are striving to make choices that promote personal and planetary health.

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  • 40+ years of conscious building experience
  • LEED Accredited by the US Green Building Council
  • Specialized Training at the Institute for Bau-Biologie (Building Biology) and Ecology
  • Michigan Licensed Contractor

Our main office is in Benzonia, Michigan. For more information contact 231.651.9131 or email [email protected]